It doesn’t take a genius to realize why and how machine learning has impacted the business world. There are dozens and dozens of applications in the world nowadays, many of these not be just related to Silicon Valley-level companies, but also to small and medium businesses. Yes, in fact, the future of Machine Learning is connected to one simple word: simplification. Let’s analyse the matter in more detail.
The Advent Of Web-Based ML
As many of you may be aware of, Machine Learning generally operates with both Python and R. Python is, in fact, the most popular programming language of 2020, surpassing even Javascript and its frameworks. Google saw the rise in popularity of this programming language and decided to combine the easiness of Javascript (and, most importantly, its web execution) to machine learning features, creating Tensorflow and Tensorflow.js. This is the first step in creating an environment in which machine learning could be deployed for web-oriented features.
Mobile Data Processing
In 2018, mobile traffic surpassed desktop by over 10%, which therefore moved many app development companies towards approaching something that wasn’t necessarily their top development priority: data. In fact, data points, big data and other forms of dynamic data have all been used recently in a number of triple-A applications. Amazon, in fact, is the leading iOS and Android app which uses SQL-based data points to interact with its audience via email marketing, retargeting and other forms of data-driven marketing campaigns. Many app developers in the UK have stated how impactful the usage of data processing has become when setting up new projects.
CMS-Ready Data Applications
Content management systems are still the most used solution for websites all around the world. WordPress, Magento and Shopify-based websites still amount for more than 57% of the entire digital world. With this in mind, it’s not hard to understand why the world of CMS is embracing Machine Learning: Django specifically, being Python’s rendering framework, will soon enough take over front-end development (at least in regards to HTML and CSS). By automatically building and rendering webpages based on the DOM, this very framework will become the next big thing in regards to Machine Learning applied to CMS. Many companies in both the UK and US are using Django to build CMS or backend architectures, mobile app developers especially if these are connected to some form of data lake/data warehousing process.
To Conclude
As mentioned above, the usage of machine learning has moved towards simplification, effectively confirming the fact that this piece of technology is ready to be deployed into the mainstream from both a development perspective and, most importantly, from a user perspective one. Mobile will definitely become the next big avenue for this sector, with many Alexa developers already confirming how important this already is.